traveling with a dog... and a blog
Guess what!!??? I just got news that we might be going on a new road trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SEVEN-DAY ONE!!!!!
Squirrels, am I excited!
We're apparently driving up to Ashland, Oregon, to see another BORING Shakespeare play (during which I have to stay by myself in the hotel room or car and just bark and sniff at squirrels!) but I heard we might be staying in a cool train (which, may I add, is even scarier because of my fear of train whistles!!!) so this road trip is going to be a complete disaster, obviously.
Wait, what's that you say?
Oops, I'm wrong, the train whistle will not be working.
What a naughty misinformed doggie I am.
Oh well.


    A Word from the Dog

    Hi. I'm a Labrador-Pitbull-(little bit of) Collie mix who enjoys traveling and writing websites, though my Person does actually TYPE it for me.


    July 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013