traveling with a dog... and a blog
A rab-a-bit (rabbit).
Dear Dogs of the World, 
I find that many of our K9 companions do not know what a Rab-a-bit (more comonly spelt rabbit) is! I have therefore included pictures and definitions for all of my canine companions. 
And a word of advice... NEVER, EVER chase a rab-a-bit when your People are watching. They'll scold you, even if you're in PUBLIC and cute as a... puppy!
Rab-a-bits More commonly spelled rabbits, rab-a-bits are small, furry, brown or white or black creatures that some people have because they can't have a dog. But they are fun to chase.
Squirrel  Gray or reddish creatures that for some strange reason live in trees. Smaller than rab-a-bits with long bushy tails and fun to chase.
Birds Many different shapes and sizes. Do not have fur, have feathers, strange objects that fall out when they fly and are fun to sniff. Some People keep these, too, again, because they cannot have a dog. Fun to chase, but some of them are big and look scary, and you should not go near them without a Mommy.
Raccoons The most wicked of all animals, I have saved the evilest for last. They are gray with crazy, ringed eyes and will tease you because they are smart and will sit outside of the glass and make faces at you. WARNING: Do not go near without Mommy because then they will run away, but not otherwise.

Other Creatures:
Horses Friendly Giants. Very big with stone-like paws and short furs. Comes in many colors. Extremely fun to play with. They do Work and have to pull people in big cars. It's not fair. Their lives are easier than mine.
Cows SCARY giants, found on Farms. Avoid at ALL costs. EXTREMELY FRIGHTENING and will scar you for life.

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    A Word from the Dog

    Hi. I'm a Labrador-Pitbull-(little bit of) Collie mix who enjoys traveling and writing websites, though my Person does actually TYPE it for me.


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